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Intensive Badger Cull incoming

Nick Cole

Sharing this from the Badger Trust.

2022 sadly marks the tenth year of the government-endorsed badger cull. A decade of death. The scale of the cull against this protected native species is shocking and intensifying. However, despite growing public and scientific opposition, Defra is still focused on the ineffective and unproven ‘sledgehammer’ of badger culling to end bovine TB in English cattle herds. Since 2013 we’ve seen the needless death of a staggering 176,928 badgers.

We were joined by Born Free Foundation, FOUR PAWS, IFAW, League Against Cruel Sports and the RSPCA in urging Natural England to immediately suspend the cull, in light of the extreme weather impact on local badger populations, with clans in severe distress and risking local extinction, especially in cull zones.

Our plea has received media attention in several major outlets including the Independent, the Telegraph, the Sun, the Daily Mail and Vet Times, and yet to date, no response from Natural England.

We are expecting to witness over 200,000 badger deaths by the end of 2022. The badger cull is nowhere near over.

Enough is enough. Badgers deserve better.



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